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    Foreign Investment in Turkey: Good Choice?‎

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    Foreign investment in Turkey to property is the most ‎advantageous way to achieve high earnings taking into consideration the economic conditions in 2020. To provide a controlled financial future ‎and to discover new areas, it is ‎vital to analyze ‎the trade and investment reports of Turkey well.‎

    Considering the growth performance recorded in Turkey, a global effect of ‎trade wars in 2019 has been severely felt. It should be noted that the global crisis has changed ‎direction with the pandemic crisis in 2020. Yet, the objectives of Turkey in 2020 ‎are built on strong and steady goals.‎

    Data such as inflation targeting ‎of Turkey within the scope of monetary policy, ‎the development of the economy and employment meet the expectations and ‎demands. Turkey’s unemployment and positive progress of ‎consumer confidence index and decreasing rate of inflation show us that return ‎on investment is the right choice. It is predicted that sectoral developments ‎provided by positive investment conditions ensure financial stability for ‎domestic and foreign capital owners. Together with social welfare and financial ‎stability, investment risk has been minimized. Social welfare caused by the ‎positive progress of monetary policy in Turkey is spearheading the ‎development of the industry.‎

    Foreign Investment is Accelerating in Turkey!‎


    Foreign direct investment of acceleration in Turkey  which now rises rapidly in ‎‎2020 is determined by statistical data. As well as having a young and educated ‎population with a constantly evolving private sector facilities, Turkey shines like ‎a star among the 20 largest economies of the world. Turkey, as the country ‎with the most important resource for owners of foreign capital, has become ‎the focus of investment objectives.‎

    A brief overview of the most profitable investment areas in Turkey:

    Property Investment:

    Foreign investment in Turkey is a tool that makes you ‎get the most rapid gain in 2020. If you want to earn in the safest way in Turkey, ‎you will hit bull’s-eye! Besides, the Turkish real estate sector will be the most ‎guaranteed choice for you to return most quickly with increasing housing ‎values!

    The real estate sector in Istanbul has increased by approximately 250% ‎within 5 years. It also stands out as the right option for investment in cities such ‎as Bursa, Antalya, and Bodrum. However, the Istanbul real estate sector ranks ‎first in the list of investment alternatives by which you can both gain citizenship ‎and quickly return on investment all around the world. You will both minimize ‎the risk and create a strong investment opportunity thanks to the short ‎amortization period in Turkey!‎

    Stock Exchange (BIST):


    After the real estate sector, the other most preferred ‎tool to get rapid gain is a stock investment for the capital owners. But for a successful ‎stock, specific strategies and most importantly experience are needed. It is ‎shown as an investment tool that you will achieve success with the right moves ‎and experience. If you intend to invest in Turkey, you must get all of the ‎detailed ‎information about companies in Turkey. Your patience and ‎experience will make you take safe steps!‎

    Precious Metals and Forex: 


    If you plan to invest in precious metals such as gold, ‎you regard them as a reliable and safe investment tool, you have to expertise in ‎stock investment, either. You can return your capital to profit with Forex which ‎means foreign exchange, currency exchange method. However; your amount ‎of money, knowledge, experience, foresight and keeping up with the global ‎economy are vital factors for your Forex investment.‎



    Logistics is also one of the most ideal ways to invest in Turkey. Turkey ‎is experiencing great sectoral developments in the field of exports and imports ‎with government support. Establishing a company in Turkey for quickly ‎accelerating export sector means to make commercial investments in logistics ‎and have a high income and high return on active volume increasing rapidly ‎every year. But you need to be patient and arrange your budget.‎

    When all these investment tools are examined, the real estate sector stands out ‎as the fastest, safest and easiest way. In Turkey, there are many more areas of ‎investment. However, real estate has become the center of attention of capital ‎owners in 2020 as the most profitable investment tool, both to obtain the ‎second citizenship and to have a new living space.‎