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    House Prices Turkey: Branded Housing Sales Record in 2020-2021!‎

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    House Prices Turkey is determined with Price Index by the Central Bank. It guides you to determine the process of your real estate investment in ‎advance‎. The real estate sector in Turkey is an investment tool rapidly gaining value. ‎It is also shown as the sector by which you will provide the most practical return.

    All ‎these sectoral determinations are based on scientific and tangible statistics. Based on ‎the data of 2020, the housing stock depleting rate in July was determined as the ‎period in which the fastest depleting was experienced within 10 years.

    According to ‎the REIDIN-GYODER New House Prices Index in Turkey results, a nominal increase of 99.90% ‎occurred in July compared to January 2010 which is the starting period of the index.‎

    Related Articles: Residential Property Price Index | Increase of 2.30 percent in Turkey!

    The value of a newly completed housing project is determined according to the new ‎housing price index. For this reason, the purchase of the newly-completed ‎ house for sale in ‎Turkey Istanbul will allow you to earn all your individual or corporate investments only with ‎correct results from a reliable source about the growth rate and the housing markets. ‎

    House Prices Turkey: The Ultimate Solution to Turn Your Capital into Investment!‎


    House prices Turkey determine with an index to measure changes that occur on house ‎prices. The real estate sector in Turkey is the ultimate solution with ‎increasing investment value ‎ because of the most accurate assessment of your capital. Having data about the average house prices Turkey will be an important factor in the ‎process of investing.‎

    Having more detailed information about the housing price index in determining the ‎value of the house prices Turkey will allow you to become a strong investor. ‎Knowing how to calculate ‎House Prices Index of Turkey will give definite answers to ‎your questions.‎

    The base year of House Prices Index in Turkey is 2010. House prices Turkey are ‎determined depending on the data released by the Central Bank of the Republic of ‎Turkey.

    The house prices Turkey of all houses for sale vary depending on the values determined in ‎‎2010. The month of July in 2020 has been determined as the second year in which ‎the housing stocks are fastest -depleted since the base year.‎

    How is Turkey House Prices Index Calculated?‎


    House Prices Turkey, how is the average value calculated? The answer to this question is not ‎complicated. The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey utilizes the banks which ‎give mortgage loans.

    Determination is made according to the housing valuation report ‎made by the expertise of the banks that provide housing loans. Based on the ‎valuation, the data of the house prices Turkey are received electronically.‎

    The new House Price index of Turkey is valid for the new buildings‎. Some ‎determinants make the values change in the housing market. But these factors are ‎also proportional to the change of data. The chaos in Turkey House Prices Index is ‎needed to be eliminated. For this reason, there is a method determined by the Central ‎Bank of the Republic of Turkey. This method is easy.

    Residences with similar ‎structures and similar features are grouped. The average value is determined by these ‎groups. Prices are determined according to these average house price in Istanbul.‎

    House Prices Index: Branded Housing Sales Record!‎


    Announced by The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey according to the House ‎Prices Turkey in July, there is an increase of 1,06% compared to the previous month. ‎When compared to property prices in Turkey 2019, there was an increase of 7.13%.

    Analyzing the data of ‎House prices January 2010, a nominal value increase of 99.90% has been experienced. The ‎housing sales figures and demand have increased by 2-3 times. The housing ‎investment in Turkey strengthens the real estate investment thanks to the rapid growth ‎momentum every year.‎

    The top-grossing provinces for housing investment in Turkey;‎


    The provinces with the highest annual change in Turkey;‎

    Bolu 37.67‎%‎

    Best Time to Buy House According to Statistics!‎ 


    House Prices Turkey, according to price index data and sales statistics show that it is the best time to ‎buy housing projects in Turkey even in the world. It is the right time to buy a house, ‎especially in Istanbul! The reason is that house prices have decreased by 6% in m2 ‎price in the last three years. But in general, prices are predicted to rise by 8% in ‎Turkey within the next 6 months. The highest increase is expected in Antalya ‎province.‎

    In fact, after the global pandemic crisis, there was an increase in the sales of detached ‎houses. It is predicted that the number of people who prefer to live in calmer regions ‎and a more isolated life will increase in the last quarter of the year. It becomes clear ‎that it is the best time to buy a house.‎

    In regions where housing stocks are high, it is observed that values decrease. Besides, ‎it is analyzed that foreign investors tend to invest in real estate with a decrease in ‎housing loan interests. Besides, according to statistics, the regions with the highest ‎increase in value are Bahcesehir, Basaksehir, Basin Ekspres, Maslak and ‎Buyukcekmece. For those who will make real estate investments, there are districts in ‎Istanbul that will provide fast returns.‎ If you look for cheap houses for sale in Turkey, it will be right time! 

    House prices Turkey: Districts in Istanbul with the Highest Return on Investment!


    House Prices Turkey, housing stock and values are examined. The districts in ‎Istanbul with the fastest and highest depreciation period that gives the return on ‎investment are;


    With the decrease in housing stocks, the depreciation periods will begin to decrease. ‎It is observed that construction companies have recently entered a period ‎ of ‎stagnation for new housing projects. For this reason, choosing the most suitable ‎house for you in this profitable period among the housing projects that are completed ‎or under construction will provide a high return beyond your expectations in the long ‎term.

    As Projescope real estate team, we have gathered the most profitable and suitable options ‎for you. You can choose the best housing option for your standards and contact us.‎

    Buying and selling activities ‎in Turkey rise rapidly. Accordingly, it was observed that ‎rent activities increase. BUT THIS SITUATION HAS CREATED AN ADVERSE ‎EFFECT. With the rapid increase in rental demands and the increase in inflation, ‎rental prices have increased rapidly. For this reason, considering that housing prices ‎will increase rapidly in the next 6 months, buying a house instead of renting will ‎reduce your costs in the long run. The house prices Turkey and house interest decreases should be ‎considered as an opportunity.‎

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